Bearing Fruit

Matthew 7:19
“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
A mark of a christian is bearing fruit. It’s the fruit of the Spirit, “Love, joy, peace patience kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control”, (Galatians 5). We may have said the sinners prayer, we may have had fruit at one time, but if we don’t have it we’re not a christian. Another option is a backslidden one.
We may have had fruit at one time. We see that in the parable of the sower. Three of the soils were bearing fruit, but they died. It all originates from God’s Word (Matthew 13:19). As one hears the bible it comes to life. There has to be some sort of openness. It is planted in one’s heart and springs to life. There is some joy and excitement. Unfortunately there are hostile forces which seek to kill it. The devil, the cares of this life and poor understanding. Our old nature doesn’t like it either. God works to keep it alive, but it doesn’t always survive.
Once the fruit last until we are born again then it sticks and we are christians and we always will be. Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand”, (John 10:28). What a great promise. This gave me encouragement many times during my early years in the faith.
Our faith is alive and growing. Granted, the rate is different for us all. Some also remain infants in the faith. Hebrews 5:12 says, “Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to reteach you the basic principles of God’s word. You need milk, not solid food!” This is due to poor obedience.
The fruit of the Spirit will be present in our lives. The primary one being love. This doesn’t mean everyone is our friend. We all have our different styles. That’s ok. However we are to love everyone. Through the seasons of our faith we are challenged with different lessons which prompt the growing of different fruit. For the past few months I have learned about forgiveness. Very challenging. The situation was one in which I was wronged. It affected my job. Someone did a power play along with some dishonesty and I was adversely affected. I know it and they know it and I have to live with it. I’ve had to let it go and trust that God has me. I’ve had to forgive them and love them. Initially the scenario would replay in my mind. I would seek to word it in such a way that it would be convincing. I did inform my immediate superior, but she did nothing. I’ve realized that I can love someone, but not trust them. Early in the lesson I would have to go through the forgiveness process multiple time as the bitterness would resurface. Then I learned about forgiving by faith. This meant at times I didn’t feel the love and forgiveness, so I would give it to God and trust Him to let those feeling come. I would stop dwelling on it and trust Him with it all. This was a long, but important lesson.
We will never stop learning and bearing fruit until we are with Him in heaven. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known”, (I Corinthians 13:12).
Thank You, Lord.