He Loved Everyone

Matthew 9:10
“Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and began dining with Jesus and His disciples.”
I love that Jesus does this. He does so much that people don’t expect. The next verse has the pharisees questioning Him. His answer is great, “Who needs a doctor, the sick or healthy?”
This reminds me of the beginning of Calvary Chapel. The hippies would go dressed as they did. The rest of the church wore suits. The suited ones were uncomfortable. They brought their own music. That also made them unhappy. Some left the church. They probably felt bad five years later, when the church grew so large that they bought their present property and had to build a large building.
We have to be open to whoever God brings into our paths. Love them, minister to them. God will protect us.
We do have to use wisdom. Don’t get into a tempting situation. Keep our obedience to His holy standard.
The tax collectors and sinners had made their choice in life. They weren’t going God’s way. Then Jesus crosses their paths and they respond. I’m sure not all of them came to Christ. Some did. They had to make a change. Zaccaeus was such a man. He repented and gave back to those whom he cheated. He responded to Jesus’ love.
Jesus gives the pharisees some homework. Matthew 9:13 says, “Now go and learn what this means: ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, RATHER THAN SACRIFICE,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” I didn’t understand the first part for a few years when I came to Christ. I was always sacrificing. I grew up in a church that emphasized it. I had much guilt as I could never sacrifice enough. I didn’t know that God was compassionate. That also took some years to learn.
God has many amazing traits. His love is a big one. We all could hear the hippies say that “God is love”. But it’s far deeper. He is so patient and loving. Jesus is a perfect example of love in today’s verse. He goes into people’s worlds. He bring His light there. He’s done it to us. He came to us and shined His light. He came to us in love. He met us. The longer I walk with Christ, the more I see His love. Amazing.
Thank You, Lord, for Your love. Thank You for coming to us, even though we were sinners. Help us to love all those we come in contact with. To share Your love with them.