Step Out in Faith

Daniel 2:16
“So Daniel went in and requested of the king that he would give him a grace period, so that he might declare the interpretation to the king.”
The king gave a harsh command. He had received a troubling dream and he wanted his counselors to tell him what the dream was and to give its interpretation. None were able to do it so the king sentenced them to death. Daniel and his three friends were counselors and were given the same death sentence.
Daniel didn’t hear of this until late. He goes to the king and asks for time. I don’t think he was assured that God would answer his prayer, but he wanted to try. It reminds me of his three friends in the next chapter. They were commanded to bow down to the kings golden statue. They refused and said this, “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods nor worship the golden statue that you have set up”, (Daniel 3:17,18). They declared that God is able to rescue them, but say “even if he doesn’t”. They aren’t guaranteeing that He will rescue, just that He is able. I think Daniel is saying the same thing.
This was a crisis. All of the counselors were unable to meet the king’s request. Daniel may not have either. However, he knew God was able. God had been answering prayers his entire life. He may do it here.
Daniel is stepping out in faith. It reminds me of Joshua when he was at the bank of the Jordan river. God told them to step in the river, then He wold cause it to stop flowing (Joshua 3). This was different with Moses; he stretched out his arms and it was parted (Exodus 14). Daniel asks the king for time.
There are instances when we move forward in faith. We aren’t sure of the outcome. Decades ago a coworker was telling me of his physical ailment. I stopped and prayed with him. He was uncomfortable. He didn’t share that he was healed. In fact I don’t recall seeing him again. God may have done something. I’m glad I did it. Hopefully a seed was planted in him.
This was miraculous. God doesn’t do those things often. He does work in our hearts all the time. John 12:32 says, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw everyone to Myself.” God is talking to us all. If we ignore Him, our spiritual sensitivity lessens. I’m not sure if He speaks to us less or if our hearing is dulled. If we listen to Him, then our hearing gets sharper. We hear Him often.
God will use our words and our actions to minister to others. We should share His Words when circumstances warrant.
Lord, give us insight and courage to speak. Also give us wisdom to be quiet. Thank You that You are working.