Be Quick to Listen

2 Chronicles 35:22,23
‘However, Josiah would not turn away from him, but disguised himself in order to fight against him; nor did he listen to the words of Neco from the mouth of God, but he came to wage war on the plain of Megiddo. The archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, “Take me away, for I am badly wounded.”’
This is a sad ending of a great king. It didn’t reduce him, but it cut his life short. He may have had decades more. Here are the key phrases, “nor did he listen to the words of Neco from the mouth of God”. It reminds me of I Corinthians 10:23, ‘”All things are lawful,” but not all things are profitable; “All things are lawful,” but not all edify.’ God allows us to do much, even those thing that endanger us.
Josiah was warned a couple of times. First Neco said that he didn’t have a quarrel with him, to stay out of it. Then God spoke through Neco to stay out.
God’s mercies warn us. Often many times. He loves us and wants the best for us. Thank You, Lord. We will avoid much pain and heart ache if we do so.
Josiah was fixed on going to war. Maybe he had a treaty in which he felt obligated. Maybe his pride was at stake. That resonates. I can recall being at break in high school. A friend of mine and myself were play boxing. Another friend called out, “The fighting Irish”. Pride kicked in. I had to live up to my ancestors, so I continued. Fortunately somebody stopped us and we went to third period. This was my friend that I was willing to fight because of my pride. Foolish. So many people have done things out of pride. Many have lost their lives out of pride.
Kings would go to war in the Spring. Maybe Josiah felt he had to live up to his kingly obligations. This is a little pride, but some obligation. This could have been it. Question those. Particularly if it’s God who is warning us against it. Culture and customs take a back seat to God. Culture can be evil. Culture can be antichrist. It’s often not our friend. Obey God.
God’s voice can come from varied places. The strangest place was from a donkey. Balaam was trying to curse Israel for money. God was blocking him at every turn. So God spoke through his donkey (Numbers 22:28). He mainly speaks through His Word. He also speaks through our consciences, our gut, instances like songs, others, circumstances, our thoughts and on and on. In today’s passage he spoke through the opposing king.
We need to obey Him. The quicker the better (James 1:19). Oh the difficult times we would be spared if we listened. Lord, help us to be quick to listen.
We need to have tender hearts. This is opposite a hard heart. The tender heart is open to God. It’s willing to change. It’s not stubborn, not dead set on a path. Lord, let us have tender hearts.
Lord, help us to be quick to listen. Allow us to be open to you, not stubborn. Thank You for Your mercies.