2 Chronicles 32:30
“It was Hezekiah who stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them to the west side of the city of David. And Hezekiah was successful in everything that he did.”
This is what God does for His children who walk with Him. He blesses them. Hezekiah or one of his team came up with the idea of bringing fresh water close to the city. It was genius. Much like we have faucets with running water in our homes. We take that for granted, but it was created by someone. It makes life much simpler.
God blesses His children in many ways; ideas, financial, convenience, appliances last longer or break at a good time or with provision, trials that build and mature us and so on. We can’t take credit for it. Even if we think we had the idea, we should credit it to God.
I can remember having a difficult time with this as a young christian. Now I accept it and keep any doubts from creeping in. My friend said it best, “I have the faith of a child.” I like that. “He said it, I accept it.” The enemy plants those thoughts in our minds, doubtful ones. He is trying to unsettle us. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says it this way, “We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Doubts and thoughts like them are invaders set up against the knowledge of God. We are to take them captive. Expel them.
When we accept Christ, His Spirit comes into us. He comforts us, warns us, protects us, gives us ideas and so on. We are to give Him glory for all in our lives. We can’t compartmentalize them and say He is responsible for this and I am responsible for that. It’s all Him, except for sin.
Exodus 31:3 is a cool scripture which speaks of the ability that one has. It says, “And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship.” He gives us our skills and talents. Praise Him for them and give Him credit for the things we do with them. Especially a believer. The skill in this passage isn’t emotional, but practical. We often don’t think of those as given by God. Hezekiah and his team came up with a great idea of rerouting water closer to their homes. People were grateful for what he did. But we know that God blessed Hezekiah mightily. This idea was also part of the blessing.
If we are in Christ, He blesses us. Give Him credit for all the blessing we have. Thank You, Lord, for all Your blessings. There are so many, big and small, that I can’t begin to identify them. But You do them. Thank You.