Matthew 2:19,20
‘But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, and said, “Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel; for those who sought the Child’s life are dead.”’
Our few observances about Joseph we see him having dreams and an angel speaking to him. It’s all directions. This last one is to go back home the threat is gone. Herod, their enemy is dead.
God will protect us from our threats. Even if our lives are uncomfortable for a while. The holy family spent some years in Egypt. It may have been great, it may have been miserable. God worked it out.
We hear much about enemies from David in the psalms. One of the best is Psalm 23, “Thou preparest a table for me in the presence of my enemies.” This is great in that God blesses our lives with our enemies looking on.
We have to deal with bitterness when it comes to them. It’s easy to stew in anger about them. We fantasize about their demise. We see ourselves as the avenger. God doesn’t want us to do this. We are to pray for their welfare. Bless and not curse.
Jesus expounds on this in Matthew 5:38-42, “You have heard that it was said, ‘EYE FOR EYE, and TOOTH FOR TOOTH.’ But I say to you, do not show opposition against an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other toward him also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” This is not natural. These are heavenly values.
As a christian we are to learn new ways. Others first, don’t hold on to anger. Seek to bless and not curse. The beatitudes are more of the heavenly ways. They make no sense to the world, but describe a wonderful new way if we see it God’s way.
This is not possible in our human power. God has to give us love. It first happens when we come to Christ. We get born again and receive His new nature. He fills us with His Spirit. We walk with Him and bump up against these challenges. We ask Him to help us. He does. He causes us to love. Even if it’s by faith. We might not feel love, but we ask for it and act as if we have it. God told the priests to step in the Jordan river. Once they did that the waters would part. Once we act as if we have the love He gives it.
God will bless our obedience, just as David said. It happens in His time. All of the sudden it’s there. My old boss had something against me years ago. He transferred a coworker of mine to another site. I could easily see him do that to me. Then he learned that a friend of mine was his boss. He was quite uncomfortable. That was God telling him, “Hands off.” I could have shouted when I heard that. I didn’t have to walk in fear. He was protecting me.
In reality He was always protecting me. I could have walked around confidently all the time. Even if he did transfer me it would have been God’s will and that would have been a better place.
God wants us to have His joy and His peace at all times. This is His blessing and a sign that we trust Him. He gives us these as well. We don’t worry about anything. That’s the goal.
Thank You Lord for Your protection and Your guidance. Thank You for Your peace and joy. You’re a great God.