Ephesians 5:6
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”
God doesn't care for those who hurt others. This verse is one such example. This highlights those that seek to deceive others. There are several motives. Some seek financial gain. They want to sell us something. This doesn't mean all sales people are evil, but some are. When do they cross the line? One example is when they know the item can't be afforded by the individual. There are levels of this as well. Some are really hurt by it. God will punish this person.
There is religious deception. Of course Jim Jones was evil, but other groups that doen't seem harmful are. All the cults: hinduism, islam, budism and so on. Then there are the christian cults: mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and others. These are the ones that use the bible. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me", (John 14:6). That points out the error of the first group. They don't accept Jesus' way of salvation. The second group believes in Jesus, but it's not the biblical Jesus. In mormonism they believe there are many gods and works are part of salvation. JW's don't believe Jesus is God.
Those that lure people into these others faiths are guilty of deception. Now they are deceived as well, so their sin isn't as great. Some know their pitch is a scam. They are guilty of the greater sin.
Some are addicted to power and they use their strengths to lure others to their cause. Politicians come to mind. Others are greedy and so on. They build their bluster to lure people to follow or support them. They are using people for their purposes. Depending on the affect on others, they will be accountable.
Jesus brings a great contrast when came to earth. He came to love and serve people. He eventually gave His life for all. He challenges His followers to love others. We are to use them or deceive them. No strings attached. Jesus wants all to be saved, so He shares that news. But He will still love and bless, even though they don't receive Him.
We are also to love others. Some are easy to love, others are not. He still wants us to love all. He gives us a new heart and He gives us love for them. Our job is to accept it and give it. At times we won't feel loving. Especially those who oppose us. We love even though we don't feel it. The feeling will follow.
Lord, thank You for coming to earth, loving and dying for all. You bring the opposite message of deception. Help us to love others, as well.