2 Samuel 15:14
‘And David said to all the servants with him in Jerusalem, “Arise and let us flee, or we will not escape from Absalom! We must leave quickly, or he will soon overtake us, heap disaster on us, and put the city to the sword.”’
There are a couple things going on here. Sadly, this is a fulfillment of the judgement against David, "the sword will not leave your house", (12:10). This was for taking Bathsheba and having her husband killed. That being said, his leaving the city is sparing it and all the innocents of the effects of war. It's also one of his strategies, to be on the run. He survived for nearly a decade by fleeing from Saul as a fugitive.
Some would have advised to stay in the city in a stronghold. However, the battle would have involved wrecking the peace of the city. This was good of David. He brought the fight far from them. This would endear some to David.
It's tough to reap what we've sown. It doesn't mean God is against us. Our sin has consequences and the reaping will occur. Our job is to have a good attitude and do our best in it. God can be merciful and limit the reaping. However, David's sin hurt many others. It had to be endured.
It's interesting that this is working against David's skill set, war. He normally is the victor. He ends up winning this one, but not after all is upended and being on the run. He loses Absalom and much loyalty from the people.
We can't be bitter. It all was rooted in our sin. We can combat it, but we can't sulk over it. We put our focus and trust in God. Our fellowship with Him is restored. God will work it out for the best from this point.
God is a forgiving God. In one sense, He doesn't see the sin. He's forgiven it and moved on. David has to take the heat and others need to see the consequences of sin. But from God's point of view, it's all good.
The biblical term for this is justification. Some have described it as "God sees us 'just if I'd' never sinned." Simply amazing. What comes to mind are the mistakes or sins people have made that make them feel doomed. Some do drastic and terrible things because of this. With others, things may be quite grim. If they only knew there is a God right there waiting to forgive, heal and embrace them. So many horrible tragedies would be repaired. Marriages and families could be healed. Friendships could be mended. The chapter of so many lives could be fixed.
He is the God of second chances. Most yearn for this. It can be a reality, if we only go to Him. We might think, "What can I do? I've done this. Who would ever accept me again?" What might seem hopeless to us, isn't a problem with God. We don't have to understand how it'll be repaired. God to Him. He is all wise and can fix it.
Thank You, God for Your great forgiveness. You accept us and see us as if we've never sinned. Thank You for Your healing work. Even though we have to reap what we sow, Your still with us.