The Death of King Saul

I Samuel 31:6
“So Saul died with his three sons, his armor bearer, and all his men on that day together.”

No one rejoices at the death of others, but for David this meant he was no longer a fugitive. He and his followers had been on the run for nearly ten years.  There were several instances in which they were nearly overtaken. Both times God had given Saul into David's hand. David chose not to kill him. It may have been ok with God for him to do so. It sure seemed like it. Whatever the case, Saul's death is a turning point for David. 
David had a difficult relationship with Saul. At the beginning, David was treated well by him, almost like a son. The day came when he became jealous of David. Since then he eyed him with suspicion. He then set him up to be killed by being sent on a perilous and weird mission, to kill 100 philistines. It wasn't long that Saul no longer disguised his attempt to kill David. He had to flee from Saul as the attempts to kill him happened often. Thus began a ten year mission to kill David. He was pursued all over Israel and finally fled the country. 
The fugitive years were tough. There are many Psalms in which David complains about his enemies. Not in a whining sense, but a real description of how tough it was. David's faith was strengthened and tested. 
He became one of history's greatest individuals. He conquered wild and powerful beasts in his youth. He became a national hero when he killed Goliath. He was anointed king in his youth. He was a warrior for the king as a young man. This is when many warrior types were drawn to him. His stong faith kept him from sin. The fugitive years may have also been a way for God to keep David out of trouble. Accept for a couple of times sinful failings his life was exciting. 
He was a great witness of those who believe in God. Psalm 23 lays out many amazing reasons why David believed: he didn't want, lyes down in green pastures, his soul was restored, was guided by God, was kept righteous, goodness and mercy followed him. God was with him in the dark times, was supplied courage, was comforted by God's presence and he was honored in the presence of his enemies.
All believers can receive these same blessings. I can share this same witness as Psalm 23. The one that's surprised me these past few years was the last one, God honoring us. He does it to bless us, but He also does it to give us a platform to share about Christ. I think if we don't share Christ these would evaporate. 
The death of Saul is a transition to the next phase of David's life, that is him reigning as king. While not as glorious as Solomon's reign, it was a more pure and sincere time. I think it was the best reign of Israel's kings. 
Lord, thank You for David, such a great example to all of us.