Our First Installment, the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 1:14
“who is the first installment of our inheritance, in regard to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.”

We discussed inheritance a few entries ago. We talked about how there is a mutual inheritance. We get something and God gets something. This verse references that. The first gift is the Father giving us the Holy Spirit. The middle part says we are His inheritance; a mutual inheritance. I will focus on our inheritance, the Spirit of God. 
We truly win in the balance of things. We get the Holy Spirit, we get forgiveness, eternity in heaven, a new and wonderful life and so on. Thank You God. Your generosity, love and sacrifice are amazing.  
I like the language used, the Holy Spirit is the first installment of our inheritance. It sounds like a contract. What an installment! We get the living God taking up residence in us. 
I can recall responding to a gospel message. I thought nothing of it. But things began to change. I got more God interest. He became part of my conversations. My friends were drifting apart. It was painful, but part of what was making me more open to Him. 
I began sleeping well. It was so long ago, but I know I had trouble sleeping. I'm not sure if I was plagued with worry or what. Maybe the entry of God in my life brought His peace and therefore sleep came. 
A friend joined me in my new life. We began hanging out and going to church. I soon met a seminary student in which we had bible studies together. I would be friends with him for ten years. This was the Holy Spirit guiding me and protecting me. 
The Holy Spirit guided my college experience. Fire Science was closed as I didn't enjoy my time at the volunteer station. I had several christian buddies who were on the speech team. I joined them for a year and a half. I learned that I had some speaking skills. Interesting enough I learned that people trusted me. I wasn't and still am not verbose, but people appreciate genuineness. 
I transitioned to computer science. I liked the logical/mathematical side of programming. I got accepted to CSU Fullerton, but it wasn't until the winter term. I decided to go to Calvary Chapel's Bible School at Lake Arrowhead in the interim. It captivated me and I finished the year there and never went to Fullerton. This was God's guidance.
I got a temp job at Smith Tool and became friends with Kevin and through that job I got hired at Ameritech to repair copiers. I was there for seven years. A friend persuaded me to go to Vanguard U. After finishing two years of greek I was only 1.5 years from a degree. I decided to finish that. At this time I was an assistant pastor at the seminary student's church. More of God's guidance. 
Then entered my sweet Beverly. Our marriage brought me to Redondo Beach. I injured my knee and had reconstructive surgery. I had six months off work. I decided to take teacher classes while on crutches. I began subbing the next semester. I got an emergency credential and began teaching. I'm in the middle of my 29th year in the classroom. More of God's guidance.
My children have helped me get my eyes off myself on them and others. I joined Indian Princesses and stayed with that group for five years. Many good guys who influenced me to be a better father. More of God's guidance. 
I began volunteering at Saddleback Church as a counselor. I went on to get a masters in psychology at vanguard. Not counseling now, but hopefully pick it up after retirement. More of God's guidance.
Looking back I see God's guidance all throughout. I can see the necessity of the Spirit. He keeps us from evil, He gives peace and much more. I can see His protective hand. Many close scrapes in which He protected me. 
The world, the flesh and the devil hate God and seek to ruin people, especially His children. Thank You God for Your protection. 
Christianity is unique in its message as well as our union with God. While many faiths have good parts, the message has bondage, little power and no promise of an indwelling and helpful God. That's why it's good news.
Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit. You've blessed and protected us in so many ways. Thank You, God.