No Longer Necessary

Galatians 5:2
“Take notice: I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.”

The symbol of a male living under the law was circumcision. This was something special in the Old Testament. Obedience was required, even in the most private of places. 
The same is true in the New Testament. But for a different purpose. The former obedience was for justification, the latter is because it is right. The change came because Jesus was able to fulfill the requirements of the Law. Thus bringing justification. We no longer live under it the Law. Thus the symbol of the law is no longer needed. Quite the contrary, to insist on it denies the efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice.     
That's why Paul is so adamant against circumcision. The Old Covenant is no longer necessary. To put trust in the symbol of the Law is to doubt the cross. It's like the person who wears religious jewelry to cover one base and adheres to religious practices of differing faiths all for the purpose of not offending any of them. That's like buying religious insurance. 
It's Jesus alone. This will offend some as they believe differently or because they see only one option as being too exclusive. However, it's God's world and He makes the rules. We might not like them, but to oppose them is foolish. 
The wise way is to acknowledge God and follow His instructions. He holds so many promises and rewards to those that do so: a full heart, blessed ways, fruitful lives, blessed children and so on. 
Lord, thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for Your way. Help us to follow it.