I Samuel 13:14
“But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”
David was a man after God’s heart. What does that mean? I would say that it means that he loves and wants to please the Lord. Some may think that this person is weak with no self will. Not so. It does mean that this individual will want to go the Lord’s way at the sacrifice of his desires.
Going the Lord’s path involves some sacrifice. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane exemplified this. He prayed, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done”, (Luke 22:42). Jesus knew the cross would be difficult and basically asked, “Father, if there is another way for people to be saved, let’s go that way. If not, let’s do this.” That is a difficult example, for that was the greatest sacrifice of all time. However, we will be stretched.
This is easier to accept the better we know the Lord. First, He loves us more than anyone and wants the best for us. Second and similar is the thing that He asks us to do will be of the greatest benefit to us. Even though it may not be for us. The maturity and faith that will be developed makes us better.
To go our own way is selfish and lessens our character. Saul was a self focused person. He didn’t apologize for his actions. He didn’t ask Samuel what he could do to make it right. Later we see him acting corruptly and seeks to kill David. He uses government resources to hunt him down.
Being a person after God’s heart doesn’t mean we won’t behave selfishly. We will. If it’s a problem, the Lord will point it out. This person will seek to repair it. Sometimes it involves rectifying the situation. Other times it may be that we need to be kind. That may requires asking the Lord to change our hearts. That’s the beautiful partnership that makes up our relationship with God.
The Lord rewards the person after His heart. Proverbs 4:18 says, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.” The longer we walk with Him, the more He makes us like Him. He blesses our circumstances, our ministries, our families and relationships. He makes us more kind and loving.
The person after God’s heart is a blessing to Him. 2 Corinthians 2:15 says, “For we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” The Lord sees us as the sweet aroma of Christ. The candle industry is huge, as people enjoy the wonderful scents. They sit back and take in the room being filled with balsam and the scents of the seasons. It makes them smile. It’s not arrogant to say the Lord enjoys us.
That same passage says that we are the sweet aroma of Christ to others. We are to be a blessing. Yes, we are to be salt and light, also. The result is positive, even if others don’t see it that way. God does.
Lord, help us to be those who have hearts after Your heart. Thank You that You see us as the aroma of Your son.