Fearing God is a Delight

I Samuel 12:24
“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.”

Modern psychology has taught us that fear is a bad thing. However, to fear the Lord means we are to take Him seriously. Yes, He has abundant grace and patience. Yes, He is loving. However, His patience has an end.
His Word is true. If we don’t obey it, then we are subject to the end it describes. Unfortunately, that’s in a place (hell) that is eternal separation from Him. Some have joked that they would prefer hell, so they can drink and play cards with their friends. Unfortunately, hell doesn’t allow that. Because God is not there, neither is joy, love, contentment, fulfillment and so on. We can experience those on earth because God allows us to attain them. Hell is all that God isn’t; irritation, anger, fear, depression, pain and much more.
Part of believing this is to fear Him. If we think otherwise, then we respect and trust our own logic more than believing the bible. Many are doing that. The Lord is ever trying to persuade them otherwise. He uses people, their own thoughts, circumstances and more to slowly draw them. However, they must accept those slight course corrections. Each of those choices is demonstrating fear for the Lord or choosing their own way.
Heaven is a place where Jesus is Lord. It’s only for those who want Him to reign over them. If we don’t want His Lordship on earth, then we won’t want it in heaven. Earth is practice for heaven. Being a christian is often described as walking with the Lord. It’s ever ascending, almost to heaven. Death is when we transition to glory. Almost a slight leap and we’ll be there.
Walking in obedience to Him is slowly aligning our will to His. This might sound difficult, but He makes it so simple. Matthew 11:28-30 says, ‘Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”’ We just follow His leadership. It the right and satisfying way. This is how one fears Him.
God, thank You that You show us the way. Thank You that fearing You isn’t something dreadful. Help us to continue Your ways all the way to heaven.