Partnering With the Lord

I Samuel 12:23
“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.”

The Lord gives us tasks and puts people in our lives. The last entry addressed a passage in Galatians in which Paul said that his mission was to take the gospel to the gentiles. Paul dedicated his life to accomplishing this mission. Part of it was to write a third of the New Testament. Some of his writings were crucial in communicating the message of grace. This would never have come by human intuition. His contribution was enormous. God’s grace frees the human heart like nothing can.
On a much smaller scale, the Lord uses us. In God’s eyes it’s equal. Jesus’ comment about the widow’s mite tells us so (Mark 12:24). This point is worth expounding upon. God’s love for us is vast. Any one would break down in wonder if they understood the extent of it. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” In the greek, the word workmanship is poema. We are His poem, his work of art. A writer takes great pride in their work. At their readings, the hope is that many attend and are touched by their work. We are His poem. We are God’s workmanship. He so wants people to appreciate us. Psalm 23 says, “He prepares a place for us in the presence of our enemies.” He honors us in front of others.
We all have different talents and different sphere’s of influence. We encounter needs in which we are to help meet and to pray that the Lord will do so and use that circumstance of need to draw that person closer to Christ. We don’t have glee that a person hurts, we grieve with those who grieve and do what we can. In grief, we cry out to the Lord for mercy, grace and assistance.
The Lord uses our talents to touch our world. Paul was gifted as a writer and had insight and influence, so he wrote scripture. So the Lord uses what we have. He can also empower us to accomplish tasks.
Our obedience blesses others. When we ignore Him or disobey, we are missing opportunities to make a difference. The Lord is powerful enough to still accomplish His will, but we’ve missed out. Samuel says in today’s passage that this is sin. It’s the same for us. Lord, help us to be obedient.
What a partnership. The all powerful creator seeks to walk with us, commune with us and use us to bless others. He gives us purpose that can’t be replicated on our own. Thank You God, for such a great privledge.