I Samuel 8:5
‘and they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.”‘
Often times tragedy gives way to change. Some times the change is good, other times, not so. The next verse shows that Samuel is disappointed in the peoples request. They don’t trust Samuel’s sons. They ask for a king.
Things come our way that are disappointing. We can seek to alter them, but there are times where we are powerless. We have to accept it.
The Lord wants us to go to Him. We can pray for a different outcome, but we trust Him. This is where faith comes in. Even though we are sad, we can trust the Lord. He will work all things out for the good.
Most people want to wrest control of the situation. The story of Mary and Martha comes to mind. Martha was busy with being a good hostess, while Mary was listening to Jesus. Martha was frustrated that her sister wasn’t helping that she tattled to Jesus. He didn’t correct the situation, but praised Mary for her choice (Luke 10:41).
This must have been a blow to Martha. He further said that she was worried about many things. She probably reflected on that for a long time, thinking, “what are the things that I unnecessarily worry about?”
We also worry and fret about circumstances. Jesus says that we are to be as carefree as the birds. They don’t sow, nor toil, but your heavenly father feeds them (Matthew 6:26).
Even though life has many disappointing events, we aren’t to worry, but trust. Lord, help us to trust You in these circumstances. Let our disappoints be a reminder to turn to You.