The Second Coming Effect

II Thessalonians 2:2,3
“Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.”
The Coming of Christ produces different responses in people. It’s supposed to comfort the believer. Part of the Lord’s prayer says, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.” We understand that this world and our own selves are fallen. All of the distress we experience on a daily basis is due to this. Our plans get frustrated, relationships have troubles, we get injured or sick, we fall short of our goals, our leaders go in directions that we disagree with and so on. This wasn’t how God planned things. When He comes again, we will be under His governance (Thy will be done).
His Kingdom doesn’t mean that all will go our way. We will have greater love and patience to manage. Circumstances won’t distress us.
The Second Coming is intended to unsettle the unbeliever. Why? The Lord wants to be in relationship with us. All day long we experience His blessings by good food, good relationships, music, experiencing joy, good health and so on. We tend to forget that He is responsible for that and much more. We get busy with life and thoughts of God get pushed out.
There is a certain discomfort we feel towards God. After Adam sinned, he hid from the Lord (Genesis 3:9). Until we receive Christ’s forgiveness, we have an inclination to hide from Him. Even after coming to Christ, it takes a while for us to learn of His grace and forgiveness. We have a lifetime of issues that tend to make us feel ashamed. His patience, kindness and warmth slowly cause us to open up to Him.
The topic of the Second Coming interrupts our lives. We are forced to deal with our relationship with God. Many feel they will get right with God when they are old. They have decades until then. The Second Coming could happen anytime. Thus, confronting us with end of life issues when young. This is an uncomfortable topic. It’s necessary and could be life saving. But it’s uncomfortable.
Lord, thank You for Your second coming. Thank You that Your will will be done. May it bring many to You.