I Thessalonians 5:21
“But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;”
This verse follows, “don’t despise prophetic utterances.” This is referring to the application of God’s Word to our lives. The Lord speaks to us in many ways: the bible, teaching, from others, our consciences, nature, impressions, circumstances and more. Some things are very clear and don’t need an interpretation. Most things need to be examined.
I visited a friend’s church and the pastor preached on making vows. He did reference the passage which says “it’s better not to make a vow” (Ecclesiastes 5:5). The pastor still encouraged us to do so. He mentioned we shouldn’t be overly concerned, if we fail, as God is a forgiving God. While that is true, scripture is clear about the message of keeping our word. This concept cheapens it. It’s not often that I have a problem with a pastor’s message. This was an exception.
Our conscience could also be used by the Holy Spirit. This is a self governing part of ourselves. However, God can speak through it. But it can also be used by the devil to condemn us. I John 3:20 says, “in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.” Scripture tells us that God “draws” us. A guilty conscience drags us. We need to examine it.
God can use circumstances. He opens and closes doors. However, not everyone is of God. He will persist in the closed (or opened) door. We need to examine it. The primary thing to know is that God’s direction will never contradict His Word. Many Have gotten into adulterous affairs, because they felt as though God brought that person into their lives. Not true. God wants to bless us. However, not everything that feels right is of Him.
Lord, thank You for speaking to and directing us. Help us to be wise in examining those things.