The Unruly in the Church

I Thessalonians 5:14
“We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”

Paul lists four groups of people that have need of attention: the unruly, the faint hearted, the weak and everyone else. These are different types that require varied approaches. Today the focus will be on the unruly. They are those that live in and out of the rules. I think of a wild mustang. They are wild and dangerous. They can’t be fenced in. They will hurt themselves or others as they break through or jump over the fence.
What’s interesting about the unruly is that they are still part of the church. They don’t fit the stereotype of a christian. Yet it’s certainly possible that they are. They are like rebels. They aren’t passive/aggressive, as they don’t even pretend to go along. They are aggressive/aggressive.
These unruly have claimed the name of Jesus. He got their attention somehow and they have come to Christ. Their problem is with society and rules. It’s a miracle that they are in church.
Paul says that the leaders are to admonish the unruly, yet be patient with them. These have no problem voicing opposition. They respect strength. Therefore, they are to be admonished. They may respond strongly in an oppositional manner. The wise leader won’t engage them in this, as this was probably painful and possibly embarrassing. Even though this was to be done in humility. They can be won through patience, acceptance and prayer.
We are in the church with the unruly. We are to love them. My pastor calls them EGR’s, extra grace required. We may need to do some admonishing in our interactions. In everything, we are to be patient.
Lord, help us to be patient and kind to all.