He Gives Us His Spirit

I Thessalonians 4:8
“Anyone, then, who rejects this command does not reject man but God, the very One who gives you His Holy Spirit.”

Paul inserts a fact at the end of this verse which makes our lives wonderful, “the very One who gives you His Holy Spirit.” If we are a christian, then we have the Holy Spirit.
The pastor at church last night referred to the veil in the temple being torn in two at Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:51). His comment was “it wasn’t so much to let us in, but also to let God out.” Sin has separated all from God. Jesus’ death bridged that gulf. Revelation 3:20 speaks of how God comes into us when we accept Christ.
In John 16:7, Jesus explains that it’s better that He leaves, otherwise the Comforter won’t come. Jesus in His body was in one place at a time. However, the Spirit is omnipresent. He is everywhere and with everyone who wants Him.
Jesus calls Him the Comforter (and sometimes the Advocate). That name sums up how God wants to relate to us. He knows we are hurting and often hiding from Him. Psychology is constantly trying to heal those that have not had the attachment figure. God is with us to bring comfort.
Romans 8:16 says, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” We have plenty of doubts and fears. However, as we connect with Him, His voice puts to rest the turmoil and chaos. He bears witness with our spirit that we are His.
Lord, thank You for sending Your Spirit. Thank You for the great comfort He brings. Thanks for bearing witness with us that we are Your children.