I Thessalonians 4:8
“Anyone, then, who rejects this command does not reject man but God, the very One who gives you His Holy Spirit.”
A common phrase that may have typified the 60’s and 70’s behavior was “live and let live”. Which is fine, as people have a right to behave the way they want to. It’s a different matter if one with that mindset wants to claim that God is ok with it.
The bible is full of the type of behavior that The Lord expects of us. We may be very happy with our lifestyle choices. However, that doesn’t mean that He approves.
Paul spent a few verses referring to holy behavior and sex. He ends with today’s verse. His point is that it’s not his opinion, but God’s. If one wants to ignore it, then that’s rejecting God.
That’s quite a statement. It’s not only rejecting God’s command, but God Himself. Most wouldn’t take it that far. But the scripture does. Obedience to His command is synonymous with accepting God. Sifting through bible verses and selecting particular ones while opposing others is seen as rejecting God.
This doesn’t mean we are unable to turn to The Lord. It does require a willing heart. We have to be open to Him and His ways. This doesn’t mean we don’t have some problems with them. That’s ok. The sentiment in Mark 9:24 fits here. A man said to Jesus, “I do believe, help my unbelief.” If we’ve got issues with some verses, bring them to God and be honest. “Lord, I don’t understand this. Help me to.”
Lord, thank You for Your Word. Help us to adhere to it. Give us understanding.