I Thessalonians 2:9
“Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you.”
There is a balance as to how much we ask for help. Some are overly dependent and place burdens on Those around them. The other extreme is the fiercely independent which never asks for assistance.
Both of these types have larger issues in their lives. The first one could be lazy or in need of being taken care of. It’s almost like this one is looking for the parent that was never there. It’s as if this help or assistance is love. Unfortunately, this burns people out. It often feels as if they can never be satiated. Healthy boundaries by loving people will help.
The lazy one has issues as well. Hopefully substances aren’t fueling the problem. Self focus can lead to depression. I’ve heard it said, “Look without and be distressed, look within and be depressed, look to Jesus and find rest.” Work and volunteering gets people out of themselves. They begin to feel purpose.
Some are so independent, they never ask for help. This is a good value taken to an extreme. To be interdependent is healthy. People like to help. It makes feel needed and gives them purpose. Asking to borrow something can help neighbors feel connected.
The overly independent ones were taught that their needs make others overwhelmed. They have a revulsion to ask for help. They don’t share themselves. It’s as if they are invisible. Any introduction of themselves feels selfish and wrong. For this one to ask for help would be healthy.
Lord, help us to strike the balance of being independent and asking for help.