Doing Justice

Deuteronomy 27:24
“‘Cursed is he who strikes his neighbor in secret.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’”

Fortunately, most don’t live in a world that’s physically violent. However, there are other types of harm that can be done. Some much worse than a punch.
This verse is speaking to unjust actions taken against another. The punch is done in secret, so there aren’t any witnesses. The person hopes to get away with the crime.
It’s not referring to just actions. If we’ve been harmed, we do have rights. The legal system allows for justice.
This verse doesn’t leave room for getting back at someone. Nor does it allow getting equal outside the law.
Jesus introduced forgiveness and mercy into the process. He said in Matthew 5:40, “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.”
Christians have misunderstood this for a long time. It doesn’t mean we are to allow crimes against us. Nor does it allow us to be bullied. When God moves us to forgive or merciful, we are to do so.
The Matthew passage refers to one doing something to us, not others. We are to defend others. If they are being bullied, defend them.
The attitude of Jesus is a mature one. It more of a varsity level stance. I believe The Lord must give us that conviction in particular circumstances. It isn’t one that should be tossed around nonchalantly.
Wrapping this up, we shouldn’t seek revenge, but go through proper routes if we’ve been wronged. We are also to stay in tune with The Lord through this. Allow Him to give us the proper attitude. At times, we are to be merciful.
Lord, help us through these tough times. May we never need to seek justice. If so, help us through it.