Giving to the Needy

Deuteronomy 15:11
“For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.’

When farmers in Israel would harvest the crops they would go through once. They weren’t to go through again to get what was missed. They were to let the poor go through and do that for themselves. It was a built in welfare program.

We aren’t farmers, but God blesses us and we also are to give. If needs come up, we are to respond. This is above our giving to church. It could be a consistent action, but it could also be done as the need arises.

I admit I struggle with this. I can be made to feel guilty easily. Some needs I see as needing something bigger than my input. I will give to some panhandlers, but not to others. I think these need to go to a church for help and guidance. They need more than a few dollars for a meal. They need the trajectory of their lives adjusted.

Lord, give us wisdom as to when we are to give.