Do We Have A Tendency Toward Idolatry?

Deuteronomy 12:2
“You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations whom you shall dispossess serve their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree”.

Two of the commandments focus on serving God only. One says to have no gods before Him and the other says to have no graven images. When the people go into the land, they are to dismantle and remove their worship stations. There wasn’t to be a trace of idols left in view.

What is it about us that makes us prone to serve idols? We need help in a daily lives. Idols are created to assist. Farmers are greatly dependent on rain. They would make an idol of rain and sacrifice to it. We all desire to be happy, so idols were made to serve those purposes. As Paul was walking through Athens, he saw many idols, as he observed that they were very religious.

In most developed countries, the people don’t serve idols as described. However, we live our lives for particular purposes. Some may be into health. So, diet and exercise are paramount. Others may be committed to money, so they would work very hard. Some are into pleasure, so they live accordingly. If these are out of balance, they replace God. They become their religion.

Many of these things are good. One should want to be healthy; we should work hard for an income. However, our trust for good outcomes should be in God. Jim Fixx was a popular runner and running advocate. He nation bought his book and began to run (the 70’s and 80’s). It was said that a marathon runner would not die of a heart attack. Then after being a runner for 20 years, Jim did just that. Runners were horrified.

We all have an inclination to rely or trust in things. We need to put our trust in God. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Our trust is to be in The Lord.

Lord, help us to trust You. Help us to properly balance those good pursuits, so You are primary.