God’s Hand Enters History (and Still Does)

Deuteronomy 10:4
4“He wrote on the tablets, like the former writing, the Ten Commandments which the LORD had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly; and the LORD gave them to me.

This would have been a great site to see, God writing the Ten Commandments. The movie by the same name has it in a lightning fashion. God is giving His people guidance by handing over this code of conduct.

It’s given in the negative, which leaves most other things open to us. Now there are some derivatives. “Having no gods before Him” can look like many things.

This was one of the steps God made toward restoring the relationship He had with Adam and Eve. It wouldn’t be His last as the people would learn that it would be impossible to keep the law. They would need forgiveness. Eventually Jesus would have to do what we couldn’t.

God enters our world to repair the relationship. His outreach to Israel is a model for all people. We need such a model to draw us. We are/were fallen and estranged.

We were like a wounded animal in that needed rescuing. It was in pain, scared and fearful. The animal would run away at any approach. It needed help, but wouldn’t allow anyone to get close.

God’s adoption of Israel and subsequent blessing amazed the surrounding nations. They knew God was special. The king of Babylon declared Him “the God of gods”. They looked upon Israel with envy. They wanted to be part of that team (Joshua 2:8-13).

God blesses His children presently. He wants our lives to be alluring to those we come in contact with. 1 Peter 3:15 that we are to be ready to give an answer to those that inquire.

Lord, thank You for Your continuous outreach to us. Help us to always respond to You.