1 Peter 4:19
“Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator.”
The topic of suffering was addressed several times in the last few entries. Today it will be done with the fact that it’s God’s will.
One reason suffering is God’s will is that He wants to instill godly character within us. Peter says that we shouldn’t be surprised at the fiery ordeal among us. They are happening for the testing of our faith. God crafts the circumstances of our lives to make us more like Him. Galatians lists the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control. These are the traits that He wants to instill within us.
Peter used the words “fiery ordeal” in the context of suffering. The temperature needs to be increased for us to change. It rarely happens through good times. These difficulties push us to a level of desperation. We reach the limit of our resources. He has our attention. We look to Him for answers and resources.
Another reason for suffering is to build trust in The Lord. A child begins to trust a parent through circumstances. There may be tears on occasion. After a while the child learns that the parent would not allow harm to come. This type of trust is very significant in a child’s development. If it’s not there, the child develops anxiety which is manifested in numerous ways. God wants us to trust Him with our lives. This suffering goes against our plans. Trusting Him with a His plan is an important attitude. We begin to rest.
Another reason for suffering is for us to be an influence on others. People watch how others respond to difficulties. As they see us weather the storms with hope, they also want that same hope. The Lord loves them, also. He wants a relationship with everyone. He uses each of us as a lure to Him.
While suffering never feels good at the moment, some suffering is His will. Lord, thank You that You want to instill your character in us, You want to deepen our trust in You and You want to help others through our example.