Luke 12:40
“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
If today were our last day, then we would do some things differently. That thought has a cleansing effect. There probably wouldn’t be any tv or computer solitaire.
Today’s passage is referring to the coming of Christ. Because the Rapture comes first, I’ll be referring to that. It would be our last day on earth.
The event has the same effect on our lives. We would do things differently, if we knew Jesus were coming back today. I believe that’s what God intended. He wants us to have a life lived well.
Young people in perfect health think that their death is fifty years of life ahead. That leaves plenty of time to live recklessly. However, if they have a suspicion Christ could return soon, then they no longer have time. They had better serve God now. That was my story. I heard about the rapture and was seeking more about it. In the process I heard a gospel message and responded. I was 18 years old. One month out of high school.
Every era thought that Christ’s coming would be soon. There was enough biblical understanding that let the people know that it was a future event and probably enough world drama that focused their attention.
We have plenty of world events that make us nervous. If it be ISIS, shaky economies, or social problems. We feel that we are close to the end. This is what happens when people control things with the influence of the devil.
While God didn’t create these problems, He uses them to draw people to Him. Partially because of the second coming, but also because He is peace and safety. Every era thought Christ was coming soon. This was part of God’s genius. He built us with a god-hunger and a concern about our mortality/destiny. That tied in with the second coming draws to The Lord.
Lord, thank You that You draw us to You. Help us to yield to You.