He is Our Inheritance

Numbers 18:20
‘The Lord said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites.”‘
     The eleven tribes were aloted land. Several hundred square miles were given to each tribe. It’s like each one was given a county. Not so for the levites. They were given cities in each of these counties. They also were given the land around these cities for farming and grazing. Some of the levites went into religious service, while others got trades. The ones who served were paid with the tithe.
     This is a great system. It makes the religious an institutionalized part of society. The people give a tenth of their welfare to support this system. They are investing in their faith.
     This is somewhat vulnerable for the levites. Those in service are dependant on others for their welfare. Israel had high and low times of faith. Did they withhold any of the tithe during the low seasons? If so, the levites would feel the pain. This puts the levites in a vulnerable place.
     This is part of the risk of God being their inheritance. It was difficult. They had to trust in God. Trust in Him in the good and bad times. We, as christians, are in a similar place. While we aren’t limited geographically, we do submit to the lordship of Christ. God has different paths for us. We are to let Him guide us. We have different situations. We are to grow where we are planted. All situations have their challenges. We are to trust Him while there.
     We are also bound morally by being a christian. We aren’t to lie or treat others disrespectfully. We are to pay our taxes. We may be burdened by “playing by the rules”. We are to trust Him. Timothy speaks of being above reproach. This can be burdensome. We are to trust Him at these times.
     The Lord rewards faith. As we sacrifice and go the extra mile for Him, He will make it up to us. Malachi 3:10 is speaking about tithing: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.” However, He will honor giving and acts of faith in all areas. David says in Psalm 23:5, “my cup overflows”. The godly person will overflow with enough in all areas: finances, relationships, opportunities, joy, honor, and so on. 
     Lord, thank You that You are our inheritance. You will be enough. Help us to content ourselves with You.