Numbers 11:23 “The LORD said to Moses, “Is the LORD’S power limited? Now you shall see whether My word will come true for you or not.” In this dialogue between God and Moses, The Lord says He will provide meat for a month. Moses questions Him, “will You slaughter an entire flock or provide all the fish in the sea?” Implied is that “even that wouldn’t be enough” and “where will the flock come from?”. God questions him, “is the Lord’s power limited?” Moses is stuck in the proverbs 3:5 concept, “and lean not on your own understanding”. We use our sense and common wisdom to figure things out in an attempt to calm ourselves down.” Moses doesn’t get it. God tells Moses that he is limiting Him. We do the same and generate much anxiety because of it. We should rest in faith that He is with us and will provide. We gain great joy in amusement park rides because we get anxious, but we know it’ll be ok. We like suspenseful books and movies because we know we’ll survive it. We should enjoy our present circumstances, because He will work it out for the good. We also lean on our own understanding. Thomas was a very logical/literal guy who was vocal about It. John 14:4,5 is one such example, “And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus was on another plane. He was talking about Heaven, while Thomas was thinking of an earthly location. His frustration comes out in his question. Our anxiety also gets overwhelming. Our understanding orients us. Much like a map can clear things up for a lost driver, we often seek to make sense of things. We breathe a sigh of relief when we understand. God tells Moses not to worry about that. He says He isn’t limited and to watch and see. Faith trusts when we don’t see a solution. Faith trusts contrary to our understanding. We will always have doubts competing for our attention. We can rationalize and say it’s what we’ve got to do to take care of things. Verse 4 of proverbs 3 says, “Trust in The Lord with all your heart,” We often get stuck at “lean not to your understanding”. We have a competent God who will take care of it. We can rest. We can do more than that. We can praise Him. This is a better demonstration of faith. He wants us to trust Him. Enjoy the journey. Lord, thank You for Your provision. Help us to trust You. Help us to have radical trust, so that we can praise You.