Exodus 36:3 “They received from Moses all the contributions which the sons of Israel had brought to perform the work in the construction of the sanctuary. And they still continued bringing to him freewill offerings every morning.” Their job was to build the tabernacle according the specifications given them by The Lord. They needed building materials. They didn’t have a Lowe’s Hardware to shop at. The people continued to bring items as a freewill offering on a daily basis. The builders would go to the stack of donations and rummage through to get materials. They may have had an item in mind, but couldn’t find it. So they had to improvise. They had to do their best with what they had. This is a great lesson for us. We have responsibilities in life. Some times we’ve got all the materials, sometimes we don’t. If we aren’t able to get it, we also have to improvise. Sometimes the task doesn’t require physical materials, but a plan. If there isn’t one, sometimes it’s up to us to make one. God gives His commands to love others and to share His Word. We have to seek opportunities. We pray, then wait for an opening. We need to act when the time arrises. God is the creator of the universe, so He can provide the raw materials (openings). He loves everyone, so He wants to reach them. I like this concept of doing what we can with what we have. Thank You, Lord for working in this manner. Help us to sieze opportunities and be creative with how to work them.