Ephesians 1:22,23
“And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”
This is saying that Jesus is in charge of the church. It’s as if He is it’s CEO in the world. This is encouraging. When I look at our world and the church within, I get frustrated. I see christians in Egypt being driven out. I see christians in Iraq being killed. I see christians in america becoming victims of our culture.. I see the tide of evil in our day rising and corrupting our country. The family tv hour is no longer as innocent as Happy Days. It appears the church is losing. I can’t bear to watch the news stories, as it contains more discouraging news on issues that worry me. Our universities are no longer proponents of what our culture used to be. It’s not at least neutral. It appears that they are hostile to the faith based culture which used to be america. The church was a huge support to our culture. The church has become counterculture. I read last night how a local college banned a christian club from meeting. A few weeks ago, I read how an entire system of state colleges made it difficult and expensive for christian clubs to meet. It appears the church is losing ground. This passage tells us that Jesus is in charge of the church. He is aware of what’s happening. He gets His daily briefings. He hears the prayers of the saints. More importantly, He is very aware of it all and very busy. Instead of getting worried, I need to keep praying and serving. He has it under control. What we are witnessing is probably the end of days. Every era probably thinks that. We just appear to be accelerating in that direction. Whatever the case, we do our small part and rest in the fact that He is in charge of the results; worldwide. Thank You, God, that You are in control.