Ephesians 1:5
He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,
We are now his sons and daughters. I image that an orphan was taken in by a prosperous, loving family, inwhich there were servants. The orphan is taught the manners and ways of the family. Some of those ways are dining habits, education, the family trade, faith and character. This would be quite the remaking. Particularly if the person were older. Habits would be established. Eventually, the traits of the family would become evident. So much so that people may begin to recognize the individual by his behavior. So, also we have been adopted into a large family and our adopted parent seeks to shape us to be like His family. There are many traits that the Holy Spirit seeks to instill within us. The over riding one is love. All of His children are taught this. While we individually have our own skills and talents that He works with, it’s love which is the largest theme. Under the banner of love is the fruit of the Spirit: joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Gal 5:22. People should begin to recognize whose we are by our love. Just as the orphan could be known as a member of the prominant family. This is a great story of redemption. Particularly if the orphan was hopeless, with misery in the future. Often times the orphan would be more grateful than the natural born son. Lord, help us to yield to the Spirit’s tutelage and help us to be heroic in our gratitude.