Gratefulness And Reverence

Hebrews 12:28,29 …Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.

There are several ways to thank the Lord. The most pure and sincere way is to give it when our heart wells up with joy. Jesus healed ten lepers. Only one returned to say thanks. Jesus asked him where the other nine were. They didn’t show up. The longer we walk with God, the more we realize what He does for us. He is constantly blessing us. Paul said in the sermon at Mars Hill, “in Him we live, move and have our being” Acts 17:28. Every aspect of our lives is provided and sustained by Him. Our next heartbeat, our emotions, our thoughts and reflexes. He does this for the just and the unjust. The atheist who curses God also receives His sustenance. How are we to be if He is constantly giving? We should be ever grateful. If we don’t understand God’s nature this realization can produce dread. How can I ever repay Him? Fortunately, He doesn’t ask for it. He only wants that which comes from a grateful and generous heart. Today’s passage speaks of another way to thank Him: serving Him with reverence and awe. Just as a parent gives age appropriate chores to a child, so we are to serve. The chores help mature us. They aren’t to work off a debt. How do we serve Him? We do what we can with what we have. We share an encouraging word. We volunteer our time to help others. We share the gospel. What’s our attitude to be? With reverence and awe. These aren’t self generated. It’s a response. When I saw the Blue Angels do their acrobatics with F-16’s, I had reverence and awe. When I saw the monstrous waves at Teahupoo, I had reverence and awe. As we spend time with God, we know Him better we realize all the miracles He’s doing within us. We also have reverence and awe. Thank You, Lord for all You do for us. Help us to be more grateful.