Hebrews 12:17
“Aterwards, as you know, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected. He could bring about no change of mind, even though he sought the blessing with tears.”
This is a sad story that all of us can relate to from one degree to another. There are decisions that can’t be altered. There are plenty of inconsequential things that we can shrug off. It’s more impactful when we make a bad decision that is life long. Some relational actions are permanent. Regardless of what we do, we can’t persuade some to give us another chance. Some moral decisions are also permanent. Losing innocense is an area. This applies to all types of human vices or experiences. One can’t reclaim his/her virginity. Those that get into drugs may struggle with addictions for the rest of their lives. This doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love us and won’t help us in those areas. He will. His grace is new every morning. This choice didn’t doom Esau to Hell. Nor did it seperate him from God forever. It’s just that some things can’t be reversed. While Esau was a young man he had little regard for spiritual things. However, there came a time when he saw their value. Verse 16 says that he sold his inheritance rights. That’s a big deal. I’m sure that Esau got something because he was Isaac’s son, but not the significant things. He was remorseful. He sought it with tears. Some things can’t be fixed. As kids, we often hope our parents can undo our mistakes. Sometimes they can. However, there are life experiences when we learn that some things are permanant. These are important lessons to comprehend when young, so when things of greater importance come along, we will seek to understand the gravity of the situation. When faced with decisions, we need to ask is this a big deal and is it reversable? If it’s significant, we need to take our time and be sure of our decision. Get advice from others. Seek God and if possible, take our time. Hasty decisions are often regretted. Lord, help us to wait on You and make good choices