HugGenesis 50:20 “And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”
We intersect with many people in our circumstances as we go through our days. There are those that are not our fans. People that want to bring us harm. There is little that is more hurtful than this. Our minds are captivated with the pain. Just like a tape that rewinds and plays again, we perseverate over it. This can go on for days, weeks or months. What’s going on is that we are trying to make sense of it. We are trying to repair it. In our redundancy, we can fix it. People will listen to us, which helps or we will get advice. This is also helpful. Sometimes in our repetition, we plot revenge. Hatred for the offender is perfected in us. Joseph probably went through this process. God is part of his equation; He brings healing and context. Sometimes we just have to trust that He will use it for good. Joseph got to see the reason. We won’t always see it in a full explanation. Even though the reason was clear for Joseph, it took a while; possibly decades. The long ones are difficult. Joseph spells it out, “you meant it for evil”. The answer is to rise above it. To look up and know that God will use it to His glory. It’s more than an attitude adjustment. He will fill us with His love. Our pain will not be wasted. Our life isn’t damaged or ruined. God can and will use it. Romans 8:23 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God and to those that are called according to His purpose.” What a wonderful promise. Because of this, we are to trust and rest. Philippians 4:6 & 7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Difficulties, particularly those that aren’t accidental shouldn’t wreck us. We may have been disqualified and we will be hurt and disappointed. But we look to God and He will help. He will send those who love us to comfort us. We need to relax the grip and let Him heal us. Lord, give us the faith and the vision to know that You will work it out for good. Thank You.